Friday, January 27, 2017

Another Maker in the family

Although I encourage both my boys to be doers and makers of things, it is only my youngest who is really interested. This year he has decided to be retro and make his own skateboard. It has taken a huge amount of work. Pattern drafting, template making, sanding, a big mistake with the holes for the second set of trucks.
The back
The front

The pose!!
He has persevered and with a little help from Pop to fix the mistake - WOW. Diligent, persistent and consistent in applying himself. I am so impressed.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

What the Elves made at Christmas

In mid December I posted about how hard the elves and I were working on a present for Aaron. I could only reveal the making - but now that Christmas is over and presents are received. Ta Da... here it is.
coffee mat
Our new leather sofa had such large arms that you want to put your coffee cup and cake plate on it. But we did not want that to happen and we did not want piles of little tables everywhere. So the boys (elves) and I made this. 

The back covered in soft bamboo

The front. A main big piece of wood with smaller on the sides

I had seen an ad on facebook for something similar at $50. But this was just two pieces of wood from the local hardware shop, stapled gross grain ribbon at the top, middle and bottom and then covered in bamboo batting so the leather would not get scratched.

This fits on any sofa or Lazy boy in our house. A great alternative to cluttering the place with lots of tables.
Stapling the ribbon on
Gluing on the batting

I link to these places and crazy mum quilts.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Cooking from the books - Cordon Blue Cookery book

I don't know about you, but I have a pile of cookbooks and magazines for inspiration. But a lot of the time I just don't get around to using the recipes that I mean to. But I have decided to occasionally cook one of the recipes.

The first recipe is .... Berry fruit flan - Pate Sucree... from Cordon Bleu Cookery book page 389
sweet pastry

Page 389
Page 390
Years ago when I did my OE in my 20's I completed the Introduction to Cookery course with Cordon Bleu at 114 Marlybone Lane, London, England. At the time there were only a few places you could do Cordon Bleu courses and Marlybone Lane was the original school. I loved it. This is my cookbook from my time there. This sweet pastry we turned into Tarte aux Fraise. (Strawberry tart). Today I turned it into a raspberry and strawberry tart and glazed it with some sieved left over raspberry jam, instead of the traditional apricot.
Although the cookbook advises to use a pastry board or slab, I have only ever used the kitchen bench and there seems to be no impact to the sweet pastry because of that. You use the first two fingers and your thumb held together to blend the sugar, butter and eggs before gradually bringing in the flour. 
Chilling in the fridge is mandatory. Do not miss that step, or make the pastry the day before. 
When rolling out the pastry I put it onto the baking paper that will sit directly on the oven tray and I use the cling film from refrigerating the pastry on top so that it does not stick to the rolling pin. You do not want to add any flour when rolling as it will completely change the pastry.

Watch the cooking time. I forgot mine and it became a bit beyond golden but was OK.
Once the pastry has cooled, brush it with a thinned jam. This seals the pastry and stops it getting soft. Cordon Bleu always taught us to use sieved apricot jam thinned down with lemon. But I had leftover raspberry jam which I used and it accentuated the berry taste. Place the fresh fruit on top and then use your brush and jam and glaze all over. It was as delicious as I remember and I can't think why I have not been making this, I think the last time I did it was when in London while on the course.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Scrap quilt for charity.

charity quilt
 In October I finished this scrap quilt top for the Orphanage that we support - Hope Homes International. I am calling it "red line". Most of the materials are donated bits and pieces from people who I quilt with on a retreat once a year.
The red material was cut to 1 inch strips and I nearly threw it out. But then sometimes scrap quilts need some sort of item making it cohesive and I decided that would work. Now I need to sandwich, quilt and bind it. But really happy with the outcome.
Linking to these places and crazy mum quilts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Raspberries and more

The  berry abundance led me to make some gorgeous raspberry jam, a favourite in our family. Then one thing turned into another. The little bit of jam that would not fit in a jar got sieved for a glaze and delving into my old cook books I made a recipe I had forgotten. The tart was scoffed by the family in seconds flat - no left overs, Oh I had forgotten how delicious it was.
 As the tart uses egg yolks I had some egg whites left over, so of course I made meringues. It was a busy afternoon in the kitchen but what a great result, Jam, Tart and Meringues.

Friday, January 13, 2017

2017 Finish A-long

I am joining the 2017 FAL (see button and link below) and this year I am hoping to get some finishes in. I started the 2016 FAL but with study and operations I could not keep it up. So these two items were meant to be Christmas PJ shorts for Eli - Hoping to get that done.

These men's shirts needed to be new nighties as mine are wearing out. I was trying to get it done before my last operation to take to hospital, but no had to take my old ones. So get this done.

This scraps quilt I finished in October and want to get batted, backed, quilted and bound. So we will see how this all goes.

2017 FAL

Monday, January 9, 2017

The best way to pick berry fruit

There had been a lot of discussion in my family about how to pick the berries. My tried and true methodology is "one for the bowl, one for me". The boys system is "pick one, completely dissect it to check for bugs and foreign objects, the throw it out anyway just to be sure.
Today a new and productive method arose. Pick when on "nil by mouth" as required on the day off an operation. It has proved to held the highest pick ever.
Had a lovely morning outside picking etc before heading in to be admitted.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Moving Machinery

Over the New Year the boys and Aaron camped with our friends on their farm. They are so welcoming and allow us to park our caravan on their property any time. It is a wonderful gift to us as we do not like the crowded camp sites and noise of new year.

A lot of work is happening in the yards and this old seeder needed to be moved as a landscape feature. All hands to the deck. But I was designated cheerleader and not allowed to help. Got to keep the bones mending.

It actually took quite a bit to move as the seeding prongs kept digging into the ground or the old gears locked in.
One of the things I often make is English Muffins when we are camping. Easy to rise the yeast in warm weather and lovely and fresh.
When we got home I headed out into the garden to pick the berries which ripened while we were away. That is the problem with summer, all the garden comes on and yet we head away to make the most of the great weather.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Using scraps

I met Heather at my annual stitching retreat and she has been generous enough to give me her scraps. The materials are gorgeous. I need some eye masks for camping and hospital, so I used some of her gorgeous scraps to make a couple. The bias binding was from another person but the red fleece on the back was my cupboard. Very comfy and effective to keep out the light while sleeping

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Teaching the next generation how to make meringues

My Niece and Nephew came for the afternoon and dinner after my husband's family Christmas get together. Over time we have baked together a lot. Today I was making meringues to take to a Christmas get together with my friends. 

Meike asked if she could help and then went and got her apron and away we went. It was the first time she had used a piping bag, as well as the first time I had tried to teach someone. It took a bit for me to work out how to let her know when to squeeze and when to stop so each meringues remained separate. 
Of course the best bit is always to lick the beaters after. I had a lovely batch to take to my friends and Meike had a small bag to take home with her.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Chair upcycle with Chalk Paint and oilcloth.

Annie Sloan
All painted and finished
Before - tired after years of use
Last weekend while Aaron was in Australia I took the opportunity to attend an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint workshop at one of my favourite stores, Femme de Brocante.

The three hours was a great creative retreat. We looked at all the paint colours and talked about mixing etc. Plus we experimented with different finishes on a pre prepared board that we got to take home as a reminder. Plus we received the new Annie Sloan book. I thought I was just getting some painting and waxing know how. Great value for money.

oil cloth
I attended the course because there are several items I wish to revamp at home and I wanted to make sure I did it well. While I was in the store I found some lightweight oil cloth with maps on it. They are not accurate but look effective. Our study area is going to have topographical maps on the wall as wallpaper and I thought this would be a great way to do up a tired chair. 
Very tired chair
Chair and seat all done.

The chair that I decided to tackle first is actually one I upcycled years ago. Using an old velvet curtain to cover the seat. So I recovered the seat with oil cloth and then used chalk paint that is half old white and half provence mixed to make a softer blue to match the seat cover. Super thrilled with my first effort.

Linking to these places and Crazy Mum Quilts

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....