I have a whole box of banana's in fact. I went down Marshland Road on Saturday to buy some white wisteria from Gayle at Country Gardens. In between that nursery and the QE11 corner there is a fruit shop (actually there are several). I stopped in at the one nearest Country Gardens and bananas were $1.79kg. Bananas are great if you have been ill as when vomiting you tend to get quite low in potassium and bananas have lots of that so it is good for replacement and getting well. ( I was once hospitalised from vomiting too much and all they did was put in a potassium drip and I felt wonderful - it was the Dr there that told me to eat bananas if sick).
I then made a quadruple mixture of Yoyo's otherwise known as melting moments. Took a lot longer than I thought it would! So tomorrow is delivery day - a little bit of sunshine in some Yoyo's and some bananas.