Sunday, August 17, 2014

Number 20 which I think is the best yet

Yes this is Number 20 Charity quilt for the kids at Hope Homes International. 23 is the goal at the moment and I am shipping in a couple of weeks. A few weeks ago I posted about Hazel gifting me piles of material and books for the orphans. In amongst it all were a few unfinished quilts.

Pining it all together

Stipple quilting
As soon as I saw this I knew I had to finish it and get it away with the others. There were two very large corners completed and some rows. So after a bit of unpicking, straightening and then sewing together, voila this amazing quilt. It took me a total of one day from 9am to 9pm to sew, pin, baste, quilt and bind.

To get it pumped out quickly I just reverted to large stipple quilting as that is my fastest technique.

Linking to these places.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Black currant jam

We have no Jam in the house. Wow unbelievable. So I rummaged through the freezer and found 1.5kg of black currants. Aaron is away for work, the boys are in bed, so I whipped up 8 jars of jam. Yummy. I used my recipe here

Had some of the end bits all warm over cold vanilla icecream, so yes!!!

I link to these places.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fabulous Birthday

Well another year older. I was really blessed by lots of people for my birthday. The girls made me cupcakes for birthday cake and gave me lovely homemade cards and a framed collage. My sister, niece and nephew sang me a gorgeous happy birthday over the phone, I wasn't as gracious as I could have been as it woke me and I was in a bit of a fog when answering!!

Aaron and I went out to Chillingworth Road fine dining and had an 8 course degustation menu. Wow it was amazing. I did try to convince him that the six course one was enough but we went 8. I could not eat the last one, but it was stunning food.

Then as a family we all went to live jazz at Freemans on Sunday afternoon.
Fine Dining at Chillingworth Road

Wearing my designer dress!

This is now a typical scene at family outings

Carmen and friends playing jazz

Older and wiser!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

It gets messier before it gets tidy

That is the conclusion I came to when trying to tidy my sewing area.
 With working full time I just do not have the time to get behind the sewing machine and when I do there are so many projects that I find it hard to start. So I did a huge clean up. Part of this is also inspired by a second hand sewing cabinet that I bought and want to use. But it does not have storage so I need to sort through my stuff first.

I think it is going to take another few sorting out days before I get there!!!
Poor old Jakob had to have four teeth taken out. They were wobbly and the adult teeth were protuding through the gum but somehow instead of pushing out the little teeth they went sideways. This is post extraction. He was so good but did find it a bit much.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bright colours on my sewing machine.

I have been pottering around trying to tidyup my sewing area. Sitting on my table was a box of scraps and bits that Tiina sent me when I became her 80th follower. So I thought that I would use them on something that reminded me of her. She makes the most amazing zip purses and bags out of scraps. So I started with her fabrics and added more of my own.  
I now have two sides ready to quilt. Tiina makes use of much smaller pieces, so my one is not going to be as elegant as hers. She also has been making a few quilts that I had never seen patterns for before. I love them. 
In amongst the bits I also found a pile of gingham strips ready to be made into binding, and finally made them up. Do go and check out Tiina's blog as it translates ok into english and she does lovely quilting.

In amongst all of this I have been busy mowing the lawn, pruning the roses and putting out the sawdust we have as a mulch. So much to do and so little time!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

19 quilts ready to go

Finally we are organising sending all the quilts off to Hope Homes International for the orphans beds. There are 19 quilts completely finished, which has taken about four years!!
I pulled all the quilts out of all the little hidey holes around the house and am busy labeling who made them, who donated material etc. They are all going to get displayed at church on Sunday so I am hoping the everyone will be impressed and maybe be inspired to send a bit more to this place.
So many people have donated so much for this to occur. A huge thanks to Hazel who is clearing out her house for earthquake repairs and called me to pick up all this wonderful material, books etc.

I am still praying and hoping to get a few more or have some donated as there are currently 23 kids in the orphanage and another 5 living with the directors of the orphanage. But it will happen over time.

I link to these places and crazy mum quilts.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Refashion - Now a merino tunic

Over the last week I have been working on this Merino tunic. I was inspired by a blog I follow "Sew outside the lines" and especially all her refashions of jersey's into tunics - look at the one in the bottom of this post.
Jodi used to call her blog "Re-inventing fashion" and that was when I started following. I would love to attend one of her workshops and keep asking why does she not come to NZ?!!

Anyway - after looking at lots of her photos and trying to work out how she does it, this is what I ended up with. Not like hers at all as I have left it opening rather than pull on. Also I cannot quite work out how she uses the sleeves etc, but I know she does.
The cowl restitched on the neck

The back

This is in aim to be warmer at work. If I am out talking the the guys on the floor it is open to the elements and freezing. I want to have a woolen garment that I can use as another layer over anything I am wearing. So black was the choice.

This jersey was given to me by my friend Susan when we visited her in Kerikeri last time. It had a huge cowl neck that in the end was just too big for me, but ended up being a fantastic collar on this and also cut for extra pieces down the front.

Adding the sleeves into the body created some funny shapes around the bottom of the article, some of it I have left as it is quirky, some I have turned into a more straight diagonal look.
The cowl used to tidy up the front bottom
Pretty happy with my first attempt. It will live at work and keep me warm.

Linking up to these places and Crazy Mum Quilts.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

revamp a Bean Bag

I had this material sitting around for over a year, all with the intention of redoing Eli's bean bag and other things for his room. I think I need one of the lists - where all my items I want to sew, that I already have the material for  - gets visible to it actually gets actioned!!!

A year ago I finished one for Aaron and meant to get this one done the next week!! Goodness my procrastination is getting long. 

Slowly getting organised for Eli's birthday. I have turned his old Bob the Builder bean bag (say that fast!) into a more up to date, pre teen bean bag seat. His room has the NZ fern material for the covering of other things so it will fit in well. Made more of my own bias binding for this and am pleased with how the bias binding set in this time. I am getting better at sewing it.

I am finding working so many more hours is taking a bit of getting adjusted to, so the sewing and crafting has bottomed out at the moment. Am getting some knitting done on the couch some nights.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Red Riding Hood's Grandmother

Yes, Eli went to mufti day (raising money for the 40 hour famine) as Red Riding Hood's grandmother who had just come out of the shower. Looking good!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Awesome family day

Today the weather was super cold but we had a lovely time after church. Got Eli's birthday present from the Mall, went out to lunch on a voucher that I won at a quizz night. (sat next to Owen Franks the Allblack). Then ended up with a punt on the Avon River. The wonderful people gave us blankets and hot water bottles to keep us warm.
These photos are a few selfies we took.

Add caption

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Started healthy but will it continue?....

Tomorrow I start my new job. This requires a lot more planning than my old job where I could just pop through the park from home. Now I have a 35 minute commute (on a bade day 1hr10min). So lunches must be done at night and ready just to take out of the fridge.

So today it is minted pea and feta salad. Home made pickled beetroot, one homemade yoyo and one bought biscuit, an apple and a green tea and Moroccan mint tea bag.

Here is hoping that I can keep this sort of meal going for at least 3 out of 4 days a week. Plus I have my breakfast ready, chopped apple, Greek yogurt, chopped fresh walnuts (from my father) and some bran cereal.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....