Tuesday, July 22, 2014

19 quilts ready to go

Finally we are organising sending all the quilts off to Hope Homes International for the orphans beds. There are 19 quilts completely finished, which has taken about four years!!
I pulled all the quilts out of all the little hidey holes around the house and am busy labeling who made them, who donated material etc. They are all going to get displayed at church on Sunday so I am hoping the everyone will be impressed and maybe be inspired to send a bit more to this place.
So many people have donated so much for this to occur. A huge thanks to Hazel who is clearing out her house for earthquake repairs and called me to pick up all this wonderful material, books etc.

I am still praying and hoping to get a few more or have some donated as there are currently 23 kids in the orphanage and another 5 living with the directors of the orphanage. But it will happen over time.

I link to these places and crazy mum quilts.


  1. Wow amazing effort Karen - I am sure they are going to be so well loved and treasured.

  2. Agree -- amazing effort! 19 quilts made to be donated, that is great!

  3. How awesome! Congratulations on a wonderful good quilty deed :)

  4. This is so amazing, what a generous heart you have. I have come over from Show and Tell - thank you for leaving a message on my blog, it's lovely to have you visit again.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I love that you took time out to comment on my blog.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....