Friday, August 3, 2012

A finished quilt

Yes in the weekend I managed to finally get a quilt sandwiched together, quilted and bound. The pattern is one from Cluck Cluck Sew -I have made a tutorial how I assembled the blocks that made it more straightforward and a lot quicker for me.

I made this quilt out of the leftovers from a quilt I made for our bed - here. This quilt will be for the charity that I support - Hope Homes - an amazing orphanage in Kenya.

I was using this as a trial for quilting as I am a bit daunted over quilting the queen size one for our bed. I was going to be really fancy with flowers etc in each block, but stipple quilting is fast and opening the stipple up and making it really big worked for me on this. I am really pleased with the result. Next job - do our big one.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My morning

This morning I have had a leisurely breakfast and read in bed. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. Aaron gave me a coffee in bed this morning and I got to open my presents. Fantastic. I got the boys off to school and decided to have a relaxed start to the day as my work day is just a pile of phone calls and paperwork.

So I made another coffee (yes I am a bit of a coffee fiend) and freshly poached eggs on toast. Conveniently the chooks laid two fresh eggs this morning, so I used them. YUM. So I went back to bed! Looked at my two fabulous books, kept Morris company and relaxed. Now it is time to get on with things!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A newly sewn basket for the laundry

Thanks to Roz at Squiltz for the fantastic idea of making a laundry bag for the washing trolley out of laminate fabric. I got my fabric from Sew Pretty, an online shop that is fabulous and I use a lot.
Over my retreat weekend this was one of the non quilt things that I made. I did receive a lot of hassle about it as it takes more time and money to make a new laundry liner than buying a cheap one. Also being laminate it was pointed out that the water will not seep through when it rains. Which means either I need to bring it inside when not in use OR the water can collect in it and weigh it down to stop it blowing away when we have bad weather (it always happens to me - go outside and it is strewn across the section).
I used the old ripped one as a template and was quite worried about the fit. But it fits really well. The bag bit could do with being a tad smaller but at least it will hold a lot of washing.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An awesome apron made from a man's shirt

Finished like this
I saw on facebook a photo of someone who had made a country man's shirt into an apron. I am a big apron fan myself and have always kept that idea at the back of my mind. So while I was away with the material girls at our retreat, this was one of the first things I did.

Started as this
My shirt was a gorgeous 100% cotton cufflink shirt. So I cut the sleeves off, then the back and the cut on an angle from the armpit to partway up the collar. The collar, cuffs and back facing had a lovely contrast colour. I used the contrast from the back facing to make binding for one side and one cuff facing to make the binding for the other side. I used the last bit of cuff facing to make the pocket. One sleeve became the ties. Viola an apron that I really like (I am wearing it while I type this.)

Thanks to Glenis who makes a great official photographer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Amazing amount achieved in 72 hours

Well I think that I achieved a lot anyway. Way more than I have ever done at my yearly retreat.
I finished

  • two entire quilt tops
  • 1 pieced quilt back
  • I sandwiched two quilts together
  • I quilted two quilts
  • bound 1 quilt
  • made the top of a patchwork cushion
  • made a funky laundry basket
  • two small bags, one for buttons and one for selvages
  • one apron from a business man's shirt.
  • Turned up one pair of jeans and put patches on it - to make it "cool" for Eli.
I still had piles of projects that I took that did not even get looked at. But I am happy with this achievement.
Over the next week I will show you each one more indepth.

And the amazing news is that next year the retreat will be FIVE days not three. I will be attending FOUR days of that. Wow can't wait for next year.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How many projects can you complete in 72 hours

I am going to my quilting weekend at Living Springs tomorrow lunch time. I think I have seriously over estimated how much can be achieved by Monday lunchtime.

I have three quilts cut out.
The scrap quilt to get to work on.
Two kids patterns to work out and template up.
Trousers to mend and put patches on.
Five bags to make.
At least 6 other containers of sorts to do.
1 bean bag seat to make.
Plus I have taken my entire stash of material from under the bed (just in case I get inspired to do something else).

I think I have an entire quilt shop in my car!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cheats Dairy Free Apricot Shortcake

I wanted to bake something for Jess as it is exhausting having little babies. As Jess is also dairy free now to see if that will help Alex with his reflux, I needed to think outside the square. Well I cheated. Instead of spending ages adapting a recipe I took the easy route and dashed to the supermarket and got a margarine that is made with olive oil - hence diary free. Oh my goodness, did you know that some of the promoted "healthy" margarines made with Olive oil cheat and have milk solids in them. I was really surprised and read labels very carefully. So good old Olivio was the only one I could guarantee to be diary free.

Then all I had to do was replace the butter content with the Olivio margarine. Simple, easy and it worked really well.

My diary free shortcake recipe:
4oz Olivio
1/2 cup castor sugar
mix those together well. Then add
1 egg and beat. Then add
3/4 cup plain flour
3/4 cup self raising flour

This is a very soft dough. I do not roll it out as it causes problems being so soft.
Grease the tin you are putting it in (I used a foil disposable tin so Jess doesn't have to worry about returning things). Press half the dough into the bottom of the tin.

Drain a decent sized bottle of home preserves (I used apricots for Jess and blackboy peaches for our one). Give the juice to the kids to drink and put the drained fruit into your baking tin in a even layer. Flour your hands well and flatten the remaining mixture in between your hands and place on top of the fruit - trying to give even coverage. Bake 180oC about 30 minutes. (I check it every 5 minutes after 25 min of cooking).
Hey presto and yummy

Refashioned Shirt

The newly shaped shirt
Ezibuy - capture 100% cotton shirt. I got it at the Op Shop for $2 as it seemed a bit out of date and I was going to chop it up for quilting.

Cuffs altered.
Then Aaron commented on how good the colour looked on me. So I rethought. I put the cuff buttons onto the other side of the cuff so that it now does up as though they are cuff-links. Then I removed the collar, put stiffening in it and sewed it back on but with a slightly thinner collar so it will fold down or stand up. Then in the front I put a dart / shaping from under the breastline down to the bottom. At the back I put in two large shaping darts and two much smaller ones.

It may not look much in the photo but it now looks really smart, well shaped and extremely wearable.
The shirt to start with.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

All packaged and ready

Yes, after my big sewing production line on the weekend I now have 8 sets of sewing accessories all packaged and ready to go. I love the colours of the material and have tried to match the colour of the snips to the material.

So each package has 1. Scissor keeper - which is a material lanyard with clip and a pair of the amazing sharp, super useful snips. 2. Finger pin cushion - this slides onto the finger of your choice and means you have pins available. I find this really useful. I thought they would just get in the way but I have not found that to be the case.

For details on how you can purchase them from me click -  here.

Some lucky people at this weekends retreat with the Material Girls will get them as spot prizes.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Production Line Sewing

I am watching delayed coverage of the Crusaders and hope to have almost 8 sets of my sewing accessories finished by then.

I have everything lined up and am sewing the finger pin cushions and stuffing them while play is on. During the ads I anticipate dashing to the sewing machine to stitch bits together. I have promised a few of these sets as spot prizes for next weekend. I have three days sewing at Living Springs with a bunch of other women. I am also looking at these as Xmas presents for those near and dear who are into crafts.

7 Pirates were in my house

Yes I kid you not, there were definitely 7 pirates on my back lawn this afternoon.
Eli had his birthday party for turning 7 (which happens next weekend) and there were 7 boys invited to a pirate party.

They all participated in two treasure hunts with secret messages to be revealed (ie the clues were written in white crayon on white paper, so they had to find the clue, bring it back and "paint" it with water that had food colouring. This reveals the message for the next clue). First hunt was a practise run all around our section. This achieved a pirate monocular. The second hunt was so extensive that some of the boys ran out of puff and walked for the last two clues. It was in the Kaiapoi Domain- which we are lucky to live by the edge of. The result was a cutlass so they became real pirates.

Big sword fights on the lawn and lots of food followed. With a treasure chest cake. All good fun and the only injury was Eli who poked himself in the eye!!!. I am now having a cup of tea - whew.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....