Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Spring blooms

A bit of sunshine, some early spring flowers and I feel positive about everything. After 6 weeks of rain, cloud, rain, more cloud etc we have had a couple of hours sun. Oh spring is on it's way. I parked the car on our section after work and saw our first Iceland Poppy right beside the bunch of traditional daffodils that are out. Glorious colour, heralding spring. Oh I want to go camping!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday stitching

The beginning of Margo's first quilt

Today I had my mother in law over and she started stitching her first ever quilt. We did the cutting on Friday night and she started the blocks today. She is doing a split nine patch quilt. The great thing about this quilt is that you don't have to do a 1/4" seam to get it right. A lot of older machines don't have the quarter inch mark so you have to tape your machine or mark the needle placement. But the split nine patch will work perfectly so long as you stitch the entire patchwork top using the same machine and the same foot.

My totally recycled quilt
I made a random split nine patch for Hope Homes but Margo is doing a repeat pattern version.

I continued on with my 100% eco quilt. Great afternoon on a gray day.

The boys were all off having a game of street soccer and cricket at their old home. The power is now discommected so we are expecting it to be demolished anytime soon. They were in the middle of the horror area for the September 2010 earthquakes - see here.

Friday night sew in

The oozing lava cake

The caramel
My Friday night sew in was all about teaching my Mother-in-law how to use a rotary cutter and cutting squares. As well as eating Chocolate Lava Cake.

Margo has decided to make a patchwork quilt for her spare bed and asked me to teach her. So Friday night the cutting boards and rotary cutters were out in force cutting lots of 6.5" squares.

Amazing amount of cut squares
I had watched Rachel from The Little Paris Kitchen (my new most favourite programme) earlier in the day and made her Lava pots. Oozy caramel in the middle of amazing chocolate cake. Yum. I was proud of myself making my own caramel (I only had to discard one burnt lot!!!)

See my links page for the Friday linky parties I join.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A great Op Shop trip

I had a great 20 minute stop at the Salvation Army Opportunity Shop yesterday.
1. new gumboots for me - $2
2. new gumboots for Jakob - $2
3. new lunchbox for Aaron - $2
4. gorgeous hand embroidered tray cloth - $1
5. 100% wool green tunic for me - $2

One of the best trips I have had in a while. I have worn the tunic the last two days. I have stayed away from that fashion until now as have been worried that at a larger size tunics would either make me look pregnant or my rear view hideous!. But I love it. Yesterday I wore it with a white skivvy and today I had a cerise merino underneath.

I just could not get a good photo of me in the mirror! Ignore the hideously untidy room.

I have great plans for the traycloth - turning it into a zip bag.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Made - 1 Boys Merino Hoodie

The merino jersey before.
The finished product

Yes I am still in the recycling / upcycling mood. This merino hoodie was long in the making! The adage of measure twice and cut once was not adhered to. So a lot of unpicking and making do. It started as two ladies merinos. The light blue one was all stained down the front so only good for bits. The black one was a size 14!!! It was long enough in the body and arms but it would have to be a pretty skinny 14 as I did not need to adjust the width at all. I just chopped a bit off the bottom.

I measured the arms etc and thought they looked short - cut anyway and yes way too short. Thankfully I was doing new cuffs so that he could have the semi-glove look at the end of the sleeve, I just had to make that add on a bit longer than intended. The pocket was sewn and unpicked as I put it too high up the body, so had to take it down to a reasonable level. When cutting the polo neck off I mistakenly cut the shoulder seam too with the overlocker, so that had to be fixed. The hood was right the first time.

All that is needed is some domes on the placket.

Jakob loved being the model and has been pestering me for ages for one as he picked the colours in autumn, now we are only 2 weeks from spring (not that you would guess it from the weather we have been having).

Eli's one last year - here- only took me 1 1/2 hours. This took me two nights with a gap of three in-between as I got frustrated with the mistakes.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Quilt made from 8 business shirts

The big quilt and the cushion cover
The shirts before cutting.
I was in the Op Shop a few months ago and they had all menswear at 1/2 price. In the rack all coordinated and calling to me were 7 business shirts. I had no idea what to do with them, being very plain bold fabrics, but had to have them for my stash. At $2 for 100% good quality cotton how could I resist?

Then I started the remodel of Jakob's room and realised that the colours would fit perfectly. Then the pattern decision. Well I have seen a few cross patterns out on the internet, all made from squares, and thought that would do. Of course I did not do what everyone else has done and that is to have squares so that each cross takes 5 squares to do. I just cut big strips and then cut some into squares and some into longer rectangles that are the equivalent to 3 squares. Why have more seams than you need? I cut heaps out and just used my eye to guess how much I needed. I was worried that I would have enough fabric but I actually have way too much.

Then it was just a matter of laying it all on the floor and sewing it. The laying and sewing only took me about 31/2 hours. I started at 9pm and finished at about 12.15pm. But was so awake that I then started cutting smaller strips for a matching pillow!

So what you see is just the patchwork top cut in 6.5inch strips and the matching cushion cover which was cut in 2 1/2 inch strips. (And I have way too much fabric left over!!!).
Jakob's remodeled room

Once I get around to sandwiching it then I am going to practice quilting by doing each cross in individual patterns. (that is the plan at the moment anyway).

And doesn't it match the colours in Jakob's room!!! I am thrilled with it, especially as it really looks more boy like.

Linking up here.  MightyCrafty.me

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crazy kids and quilts


After a busy morning with soccer and present buying we trotted off the see Mieke, the birthday girl. Well the boys had been amazingly good all day. No arguments, no worries, occupied themselves outside with lots of fun while putting all the pruning into a pile for us to put through the mulch-er. But we got to Jess and Stephens and then it all went riot. Mieke had an amazing party in the morning and then only slept about 1 hour so she was getting hypo, which encouraged my boys. They wanted to play in her pink tent. Eli practically tried on every bit of fairy princess gear that Mieke had. First he came out with a headband, then a necklace, then some lacy thing, then wings and on it went until he was quite done up. Mieke thought her cousins were crazy. But good old Alex just slept through it all - model child trying out his new quilt.
I was lucky to have him sleep on me for about 3/4 hour till we had to go. There is NOTHING that can compare to having a new baby sleep and snuggle into you. Bliss.

Jess insisted that I not take her photo - just Alex. Sorry Jess. (nah not really). But I as the boys were today's photographers they obviously didn't listen to that instruction.  The picture of the megasketcher was what Jakob was writing. He followed Mieke around and wrote down everything she said.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....