Thursday, May 9, 2013

I've been goldmining

Well to be real, I have been in the creek at school trying to find salted "gold (Lead covered in gold nail polish). Jakob has been completing a module on gold mining in NZ. They have looked at the hard life that it was, who made money (if any), how terribly the Chinese miners were treated. Living conditions etc.

So today was the big wrap up. Everyone was to wear costume and spend the day as a miner. Jakob was the banker so got paid a wage. Some miners found no gold, some lots. They learnt how damper used to be made with hops and then one of the very energetic mums cooked damper for them all (2 classes of kids) so they could taste that old fashioned flavor. The policeman was busy putting people in jail for claim hoping.

All in all it was fantastic. Lots of little bits of reality - Kids cold from the wet water, kids not wanting to stop mining because they had not yet found some, some segregated off and had to be on the other bank as they were Chinese. Jakob's school has done Very very well.
Jakob's teacher
So keen to find gold that the dresses got WET!

Learning about damper


The mining settlement

The Banker and the policeman
What I wore

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Travelling Iron case

The iron all parceled up
Last year I found a Russel Hobbs travelling iron at a second hand store. We tested it in store and it worked well, even the steam function operated as it should. So for a princely sum of $6 I bought it. Ever since I have been worried about travelling with it if it had not cooled down completely.

On one of our trips south I found some heat resistant fabric at Annie's Country Quilt Store in Ashburton. Then I found some gorgeous material at Sew Pretty online store.

So last night I finally got around to starting and finishing a case to keep the iron in which also substitutes as an ironing board when I am travelling. It has thick cotton batting in the middle, heat resistant fabric on the inside and gorgeous sewing themed material on the outside. Finished with a covered button.

At the back of the photos you will see some sewing of selvedges I have been doing today. This is going to be a companion that will hold my rulers and cutters etc when I go out and about. Just finished putting the selvedges on using "quilt as you go" method.

The iron ready to wrap

The heat resistant side. Ready to iron on when out and about

The outer 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Climbing mountains

Routeburn Track
Being united on Key Summit. Thrilled to bits
Very cold at the start

Walking up together for the first bit

One of the huge bonuses of going on an Autumn holiday was completely unforeseen. I walked heaps and the most amazing gift of the whole holiday for me was being able to walk for much longer periods of time, with a mountain top experience.

I climbed Key Summit. I did it in quicker time than the DOC sign though not as quickly as I used to. When I got to the top I just could not stop smiling. The boys and Aaron were so surprised and it was fantastic to be on the top of a mountain as a family.

The weather was clear but cold. The cold really really helped me. My heart is so poked that I cannot walk and get hot or puff. I have not been able to go uphil for a long time. But because it was cold my blood vessels stayed restricted which helped to alleviate some symptoms.

I started the walk intended to just do the first 10-15 minutes with the guys until I had to start puffing. So then I stopped and they went on. I was heading to the car to do some knitting. But I was feeling OK and not puffing or anything after the break, so I went to the next corner, then the next, then I stopped, then went to the next. All of this was very slowly plodding like a tortoise. Then I saw the view, then got excited and thought I would make the Key Summit turn off and wait for the boys.

I hit the turn off to find a highly upgraded track from what it used to be, I still was not puffing so I kept going.  I now want to live back down there. I loved it. I loved being able to be out in the bush and walking again. I loved that mountain top experience. I thought I would never have it again. I still smile when I think about it.
The boys at the turnoff to Key Summit

Getting cold again walking down
Routeburn Track
All of us at the top
Routeburn Track
They ran to me when they saw me arriving at Key Summit

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Toilet storage completed

From this messy
To this tidy
For Mothers Day last year my boys made me a gorgeous Rimu shelf for the toilet. I did not like having all the clean toilet paper in the basket on the floor as well as feminine products on the windowsill that the boys had to look at.

The shelf took it all out of sight - situated above the door. But all I did was chuck the stuff up there. I have had this project in mind ever since the shelf went up. I made a container to put that feminine stuff into so that no one had to look at it. The inside fabric was a first aid fabric I was given in a fat quarter swap. The outer fabric is hessian. There is a very solid stiffening ironed to the hessian to ensure this keeps it's shape.

I am thrilled with the container, pleased that the shelf now looks tidy and one more job ticked of my to do list.

I also finished the other - shirt into apron - that I needed to do. One more Christmas present made.

I link to these places

Monday, April 29, 2013

Super prepared - making Xmas Presents

Childs cooking apron, apron
Well I have started the mission that is called the Christmas Present List. Tick off the second. (The first was some zip pouches). Last year I made my first apron from an Op Shop (Charity Shop) man's shirt. A lot of kids that I have among my group of friends have admired it. So I decided that it totally fits my ethos for Christmas presents.
1. Does not take too long
2. Is not expensive (I got this shirt for $1)
3. Utilises what I have on hand
4. Is useful
So I am now going to Op Shops with this present in mind. I sewed this one in the hour while waiting for dinner to cook. I have one more cut and ready to go. Should finish it tonight. I love getting things on my list actually completed!

To keep it looking good I would have used Red bias on the edges and for the ties, but I did not have any in my stocks and I want to use what I have rather than go shopping.
upcycled, recycled
The shirt getting chopped - use a sleeve to make a pocket

Adding a bit of trim to give it pizazz

I link to these places.

Featured and Funny

I have been featured for my summer dress redo at It is a great feature, but what I think is really funny is the comments people have made on the post.

The Dedicated House very clearly say that it was made by me, with links to my blog etc. She also talks about how her mother is a great sewer. The comments are all "your mother could be a model too!", "Your mother is so creative and what a great sewer". So I have a lot of compliments but not directed at me!! very funny.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A couple of nights in Milford Sound

The beginning of our holiday involved a lot of travelling to get all the way down to Milford Sound. We were going with a purpose. To spend a night on the Milford Mariner - out in the middle of a fjord. We had such an amazing time that we now want to cruise and spend the night in Doubtful Sound.

I cannot rave enough about the crew we had. They were so amazing with our boys. There was one other younger person - but he was about 13 yrs old. They let our boys eat the evening meal first. They totally looked after them during activities. Told me not to worry and trust Eli (only 7 years old - I did keep saying) and let him Kayak by himself out in a massive fjord. Aaron also went Kayaking and stayed with him. I should not have worried as I was in a tender with Jakob racing around and every once in a while one of the crew would canoe over and check on Eli. He was ecstatic!! It was amazing. He had never Kayaked before and I expected him to stay around the boat but no - he went all over Harrison Inlet.

Real Journeys
First in line to get on board
There are only two rooms on the boat that have four beds in. We had one with an en-suite  Fantastic shower and good clean toilet.

The food was stunning. We were enamoured.
Milford Sound Cruising, Real Journeys
Waiting to board 

Under Stirling Falls
Independent Eli in his kayak
Aaron and Eli out in the Fjord
Gorgeous Food. 5 course evening meal!
Aaron swimming after Kayaking - COLD!!!
Milford Sound overnight cruise
Cruising the Fjord the next morning

Me taking photos from the Bridge

The boys with the Captain

Aaron in the morning

The next morning off the boat we went and stayed at Milford Lodge. This is the only place you can stay in Milford Sound. What a disappointment. Staff were good  but the kitchen was cramped. They have added heaps of extra units etc but no more in the way of facilities - to say that they were pushed is a total understatement. Pathetic showers, no insulation in the walls - you could hear everyone in all the rooms around you. It is such a shame as it could be good. If you spent close to $300 for the night you could get a motel to yourself and that might have been ok.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....