Thursday, June 1, 2017

Conquering the Garden...bit by bit

Sometime I have been feeling that our section and garden is just too big and too much. That is when I am tired or not feeling so well. Then when I get time in it I start to enjoy it again. What I have discovered to stop me feeling overwhelmed I have to just think about bits of it and not the whole. 
So I have been concentrating on fixing up the area in front of the hot tub. I have grown the two Feijoa trees on the left and middle from cuttings and the one on the right I bought. I am slowly making a Feijoa hedge here. At the end of next summer we will be able to remove the two tall trees that do not fit with our style. I also rounded out the garden bed as it had a weird kink in it.

Now I am working on this side just a wee bit further round from the bit before. I have  pear on the left side (just past the rose) that I am going to stake forward and start making a pear arch. I will plant a pear on the left to join it. This is my next "bit" of the garden. By doing bit by bit I feel I achieve something.
Winter has well and truely set it and this is the look in the TV room most days after school!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Woo Hoo - what an Op Shop find

Wow so thrilled with this $4 spend. A fabulous breadmaker book, the NZ Gardener book on preserving and a huge pile of amazing leather pieces. Looking forward to using them on all sorts of projects.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Another charity quilt finished

Charity quilt
This quilt has taken so long to get done. I get inspired, then life takes over, get re-inspired and life takes over again. I am still up and down on days with energy or not and this probably has a bit to do with it. I have also been made redundant effective next week, which is a roller coaster ride, even though it is a positive move for me.
The quilt is made entirely from donated material and the back is very apt as it is bright material with stylised children all over it. This was just a case of sewing all the odd strips of material I had, once I had put them in piles of similar sizes, then adding row after row. 
I have been wanting to get better at actual quilting for ages. Often  by the time I get to quilting I am a bit over it and just want to get it finished. But this time I used it as a practise for feather style quilting. I feel it is still a big messy but it was getting better by the time I go to the 

So Hope Homes - here comes another quilt for an orphan.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Not your normal Mother's Day

For Mother's Day this year I asked to tramp with the boys. Not a request I would ever have done in the past. I never thought walking / hiking / tramping would ever be something I could do or enjoy again. It is hard to explain. I am exhausted at the end and often feel totally overdone. But in a "not fit" great way. Rather than in a medical emergency way that was occurring.

The rest breaks on the way there looked good.
We walked into Anti Crow Hut. Which is the weirdest name ever!! But there is an Anti Crow stream right near it.
I was shattered by the time I got there. A lot due to the mental thought of having to do it all in reverse and being time pressured with the short winter day. 
Arthurs Pass Tramping
The hut in the background
When we were half an hour short of the hut Aaron and Eli raced ahead to boil the billy and give us some hot food. We worked out the break could only be half an hour, this was a great idea as we got hot good food, which gave me some fuel for the return and made me feel amazingly more positive. I am learning a different tramping. As before I could just keep going. Now I have to have breaks, food, rest. So I need to adjust to new expectations.
Not a great photo but the return rest breaks were quite funny. Hard to get up from and thrilled to collapse when we finally took a stop.

Loved loved loved it.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Knitting in places that don't need wool

Well I have been knitting in the oddest place, Rarotonga. 10 days where it did not fall below 26 deg C and was normally 28 - 31. Loved it. But sometimes the sun gets too much and retreating to the room is needed. This is a laceweight merino that is multi dyed. I had a different pattern in mind when I bought it. I have started and unpicked twice as it just did not work for me. This time I am just doing a straight scarf using a lacy pattern and 5mm needles. I love it.
Leaving the hotel

Last swim in the warm ocean.

On our last day we had until 2pm and mucked around in the ocean on canoes. Had a huge swim just with Aaron while the boys were in the pool. Trying to get four of us on one canoe was hilarious and a great family bit of laughter.

This trip I used the canoes much more than I had ever before. The weather was consistently fantastic and it was just good to be on the water and a bit cooler. The water was so warm that it did not matter if you fell in. Also as my health was so much better I had the omph to be able to do physical things.

Aaron and I had a few date nights

The hotel from the water

Eli and I canoed every day and we started going right out to the reef and surfing the waves in. The water was so calm that we had to head way out on all except one day.

This trip was warmer than any of our other trips. I did not get to wear my fancy dresses in the evening much as it was just too hot, loose cool clothing only. Three nights were cool enough for me to wear my glad rags and I enjoyed dressing up.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

19 year remembrance tramp

19 years ago (almost to the week) my husband and I met on a Tramping track in NZ. Into Lake Daniels on the Lewis Pass.

Now we have two kids in tow, we are older, tireder, but also re-energised with new life happening again. Nope - not babies - but a new heart means the life we had then, we can start having again. Out and about in nature, tramping into overnight huts and enjoying the great outdoors.

 What was new 19 years ago is new again, almost as fresh. Almost even more exciting. Back then we had no idea what was to come but now we know what we have to look forward to as we create a new way of living with the new lease of life I have been given.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Easter gifts for friends and teachers

One day of school left before the holidays so baked two types of muffins, added buttercream and some Easter eggs. A wee treat for some friend and teachers.

I am waiting with bated breath to see how the weather will pan out for Easter. This tropical cyclone is certainly wet. We had planned my first overnight tramp and I will be gutted not to be able to do it.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....