Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A bit of refashioning and upcycling

Yes I am into broaches at the moment. They are a lovely addition to the winter wardrobe without being all glitz and glamour. This broach is made from dying an old blanket, I adore this colour. I got this material thanks to Jane Van Kuelen in Hanmer Springs. Oh she dyes the most amazing threads and material.
I followed this pattern but instead of adding a button on the front I got the centre from an Op Shop (thrift shop) as one of a pair of earrings.
The filigree broach back was purchased from Jane. The colour is much more like the bottom photo

Linking to these place.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lemon and Passion-fruit icecream

MMMMMMM....... Making this today while it is sleeting outside.
First separate the eggs ready for the ice-cream. With some of the leftover yolks make lemon honey (lemon curd). I used Edmonds recipe, a good old trusty NZ recipe.
 Then make the ice-cream using this recipe - three ingredients, how easy can it be!
ice-cream recipe
Swirl the lemon curd and some passionfruit pulp through the mixture, put it into the freezer and try to wait!
Then eaten in style in the hot tub.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Finished, another quilt for charity

First finished item at retreat. Completed the star last year as a paper piecing experiment and loved it. But was stuck with what to do. Now really pleased to have made it into a quilt for an orphan at Hope Homes International.
Was not that happy with the quilting of the coloured star but love the straight line quilting of the grey fabrics.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Velvet antique broach lessons

Jane has once again given us some beautiful items. Then taught us how to assemble a velvet with antique looking broach pin to make a sumptuous broach.

A treat

Just before I left for my quilting retreat my lovely friends came around after school with an afternoon treat. I am so blessed to know this family. Thanks heaps girls I really appreciate your baking and surprise.

The boys tried to photo bomb this

Blowing out the candles. They suggested I have a candle in each, which was 19. Pretty happy with that birthday number!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015

I am on my way

It has taken me a week to pack and be organised. I have added projects, removed projects, tried to be realistic and failed. The car is FULL. I am over two hours late leaving...but here I go. Off to my five day retreat for sewing, gorgeous food, rest and recreation. There is no more room in my car!!!
The sewing machine even had to go in the footwell of the passenger seat. I am sure I have missed a project or two!!
I call this part of the car my shop. I have two drawers of a selection of fabric and when I need something I pop out there to have a look.

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....