Saturday, November 27, 2010

What to do on a hot day

 Lovely 26 deg C day. Eli is at a party and Jakob was out in the hammock, under the apricot tree, reading his first ever Famous Five book. Just to top it off he had a bundaberg apple ale - yum.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

If you have not already viewed this person's site - Retro Mummy - then this is the one for you. Funky knitting, hassles with kids, amazing material, great ideas - you name it. I have this site as a favourite. you should too.
She has a great competition going at the moment for some new fabrics by Rosalie - one of the ladies who took the course I did earlier this year.

My amazing 5 year old cooked his first proper dinner

I was making Green Thai Curry for dinner and Eli decided he did not want that. He wanted stir fry dinnner with rice and special sauce. His instructions were. Mum you cook the rice.
We picked a pile of gorgeously fresh veges from the garden "Yes I actually managed to grow a brassica. It is a broccoliflower.

Eli chopped all his veges and had to sit around for me to get my dinner ready so he chopped my veges too. I have noticed that if he makes food he eats all the vege!!

Then he put a bit of oil in the pan and the sliced chicken. Cooked it. Added the veges and stirred until cooked. Put the rice in a bowl, then the vege and then the special sauce (soya sauce) and he and Jakob ate the lot. I did not have my dinner finished cooking for another 15 mins!!! Things are definitely looking up in the kitchen to the day when I will be able to roster the cooking. Yipee.

But I am just so proud of him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Have you ever seen a smoothie machine powered by a Bicycle?

Well on the weekend at the Steiner School fair - We did. It was hilarious. Fantastic fruit smoothies though.

Recycling a chair

Last week Steff and I had a day fixing up chrome chairs. Look at her blog for her lovely stool. My chair took a bit longer. I now wished that I had put the green spot on all the chair back instead of just the back. Hey I guess we live and learn.

This is the work in progress and the mess I make when I am doing things.

Grey Heron Baby

Yesterday I came home from work to hear Morris barking like crazy. He had a baby Grey Heron backed into a corner by the chicken coup. A very stroppy bird too - pecked like crazy as i put it into a box. After calling the bird hospital and the vet we were advised to take it to our local park where Herons were nesting. So down we all trouped and put it at the base of a tree where there were Heron nests.
It was all knees and wings. Could flap and fly a bit but had problems standing for long. Obviously got caught in the wind and deposited at our place (being only three houses from the park).

Friday, October 29, 2010

How to use linen shirts that don't fit

I had a lovely linen shirt that was bias cut. Looked great on the front but on the back it looked awful. So cut it up. Found the end of a old skirt that i had already used for something. Put the two together and hey presto! a romper pants and sun top for Mieke. I am pleased with it even if I say so myself!!!

A gorgeous break in Rarotonga

Woo hoo, A holiday with no kids for 11 days. Bliss, relaxing and warm! BTW it was an early 20th wedding anniversary present to ourselves....